Organization details

Enabel is a public agency. We manage development projects for the account of the Belgian Government and other donors. This way, we actively contribute to the global efforts for sustainable development. Our primary mission is to implement the Belgian governmental cooperation in the 14 partner countries of Belgium. Our activities focus on fragile states and the least developed countries, primarily in Africa.

Knowledge, Skills & Competences
  • Good knowledge of common instruments and methods of development cooperation (Project Cycle Management, logical framework, monitoring and evaluation, etc.)
  • Good knowledge of institutional and organizational analysis and change facilitation methods and tools
  • Finally, the fact of being part of a network in the gender domain of expertise in Uganda and beyond will be considered a genuine asset for the application.
  • Familiar with Management for Results
  • Knowledgeable about change theories
  • Knowledgeable about knowledge management and knowledge building
  • Tech-savvy
  • Perfect written and spoken command of English. Knowledge of any other official language in Uganda is an asset

Gender Advisor (40%)

Ensure the implementation of the #WeforHer Gender Strategy and the integration of gender-related cross-cutting themes within Enabel’s portfolio/interventions in Uganda by providing input for planning, execution, coordination, and monitoring and evaluation of activities.

Main tasks;

Ensure the implementation of the #WeforHer Gender Mainstreaming Strategy, in alignment with the national legislative, policy and institutional framework with a specific focus on the following results:

Strategic Guidance

  • Guide and facilitate staff to design and implement Enabel in Uganda’s portfolio, interventions and activities integrating gender mainstreaming as a cross-cutting and full-fledged component.
  • Support and supervise the conduct of gender analysis and the integration of gender issues into contextual analysis, baselines etc.


  • Establish the country office gender focal point team, hold regular coordination meetings to discuss and address issues related to gender and related themes within the country (and beyond when suitable).

Monitoring and evaluation

  • Lead gender mainstreaming efforts through guidance, tools and inputs to the monitoring system and assisting the evaluation of portfolio and interventions impact within a gender perspective.
  • Support intervention teams in the implementation of specific results and activities in mainstreaming gender, therefore integrating the OECD gender marker policy tool throughout Enabel’s work in Uganda.

Technical Expert (30%)

Provide the necessary technical input to ensure that Enabel’s country portfolio and interventions integrate gender and related cross-cutting themes in a qualitative manner

Main tasks;


  • Remain informed of recent relevant evolutions and decisions in the area of gender-related themes (human rights based approach, etc.)
  • Actively participate in scientific and technical forums and events in gender-related themes and shares Enabel’s approaches, tool, contributions and best practices with other development practitioners and relevant stakeholders
  • Provide structured and comprehensible feedback to staff and partners and contribute to initiatives on gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • Analyse potential strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders
  • Draft briefs, statements, advocacy material, presentations and strategy papers related to his/her portfolio


  • Participate in strategic and technical dialogue and suitable platforms for     exchange with relevant institutional stakeholders related to gender topics
  • Participate in the harmonisation and coordination of gender-mainstreaming efforts between Enabel teams and different TFPs

Contributor to quality assurance and knowledge (20%)

Ensure quality assurance of services and contribute to the organization of knowledge building and knowledge management in gender-related topics

in order to create qualitative and inclusive gender-mainstreaming in Enabel’s portfolio and interventions

Main tasks:

Quality assurance

  • Collect information on gender policy-driven issues and best practices & lessons learnt directly linked to Enabel’s portfolio and interventions objectives
  • Provide inputs on the formulation of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and set milestones and indicators for achievements on gender mainstreaming in the country portfolio and interventions
  • Assure quality control through cross-cutting reviews and examination of specific sections of reports and other documents on the integration of gender issues, recommendations and conclusion
  • Ensure that partners and stakeholders use the most appropriate tools and good practices and facilitate the introduction of innovative practices to induce  gender transformative change in their respective areas of work
  • Conduct quality control in the area of gender through participation in technical meetings in the preparation, provisional and final acceptance of i.a. studies, trainings, material, works realised under a framework of public procurement, grant agreements or specific cooperation agreements.

Knowledge management

  • Provide technical services for capacity and knowledge building and management on gender issues to staff, achieving the following results:
  • Assure the continuous learning of Enabel’s staff to support the integration of the #WeforHer Gender Strategy as part of the organization’s DNA
  • Facilitate training schemes and other capacity building activities to increase staff’s capacity in mainstreaming gender in its work and the implementation of the Enabel’s portfolio and interventions
  • Identify resources and networks that can be activated for knowledge building of staff and partners in gender-related themes
  • Contribute to knowledge networks and communities of practice in gender-related themes
  • Organize the documentation of lesson learned and best practices in gender mainstreaming through a knowledge building system in the portfolio / intervention in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment, including using D4D (Digitalization for development) to leverage efforts
  • Continuously self-manage the accumulation of knowledge and experience in gender-related issues through study, advice of sector and thematic experts and by membership of professional and/or scientific networks


  • Produce and contribute to strategic, policy and technical communication about progress and challenges in the implementation of the #WeforHer Gender Strategy within Enabel’s scope of work in Uganda

Facilitator (10%)

Capacity development of partners and stakeholders in gender-related topics.

in order to contribute to the improvement of the partners’ and stakeholders’ organization, processes and systems and of their staff’s competences in gender-related topics

Main tasks

  • Advise partner entities on actions to be taken to improve the integration of gender mainstreaming best practices as well as how to implement these actions
  • Facilitate the change process at the local office level
  • Master’s Degree in Gender Studies and or its relevant equivalent
Details of experience
  • Minimum 5 years’ relevant experience in the domain of gender and gender-mainstreaming strategies (organizational change, programme management field projects, action-research, etc.)
  • At least 2 years’ relevant experience in the sector in a development organization/NGO in Uganda
  • Minimum 1 year or 2 projects experience in change process, organizational change, strategic guidance for a development organization, international organization or NGO, etc.
  • Experience in programme management, monitoring and evaluation, policy development, etc.
  • Mastering English in writing and speaking, including high quality reports, research papers, etc.
  • Being experienced in formulating, implementing and monitoring & evaluation of interventions
How to apply

All interested and qualified persons are strongly encouraged to apply by email to Applications and CVs should be in one document and a maximum of 5 pages only.

Applications should be received by 5.00pm on the 26th April 2021.

Note: Only soft copy are allowed

Application deadline: 2021-04-26