Job Title: Graphics Designer to finalize the designing and graphics input in the demand creation and patient literacy materials for use by non-clinical platforms
Supervisor: Technical Advisor I
Department: Uganda/Programming
Duration of Contract:8 days
Country/Location: Uganda/Kampala
About Catholic Relief Services:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) supporting relief and development work in over 100 countries around the world. CRS carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. CRS’ Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations; serving people on the basis of need, regardless of creed, ethnicity or nationality. CRS works through local church and non-church partners to implement its programs.
CRS has worked in Uganda since 1965, initially providing emergency assistance to Sudanese refugees living in the north. Over the years, CRS has expanded its programming to also address development needs in western, central and eastern Uganda. CRS’ projects in Uganda currently include agriculture, health, microfinance, peacebuilding and youth. CRS Uganda implements its programs through partnerships with local organizations, including the Catholic Church, other faith-based organizations and community entities for maximum impact and sustainability
Project Background:
Overview of FASTER Project Faith-Based Action for Scaling up Testing and Treatment for the Epidemic Response (FASTER) is designed as a new component of the Faith-based Organization Capacity Strengthening for Universal HIV Services (FOCUS) project. Funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), FOCUS was developed with the intent of building the capacity of Faith-based Organization (FBO) networks to contribute to HIV multi-sector planning for expanded service delivery and documenting successful approaches. FASTER will address key gaps in the child and adolescent HIV treatment cascades and catalyze more rapid progress towards the 95-95-95 targets in five FASTER priority countries, namely: Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. FASTER works in partnership and collaboration with line ministries including Ministries of Health (MoH), Gender, Labor, and Social Development (MOGLSD), FBOs (IRCU, UPMB, UCMB, UMMB), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Networks of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and other Key stakeholders. FASTER aims to foster an enabling environment by creating operational guidance, tools, training, and novel approaches that will allow Uganda to rapidly expand identification, testing, linkage to HIV care and treatment, and support for adherence and retention for children and adolescents.
Project Goal:
Children and Adolescents Living with HIV have an undetectable Viral suppression to meet this ambitious goal, FASTER employs three primary strategies:
- Address Structural Barriers to testing and treatment that are beyond the patient’s (or caregiver’s) control, such as regulatory/policy environment, supply chain, access to care, human resources, the poor linkage between testing and treatment, and other service delivery-related barriers.
- Expand Innovation by accelerating adoption and scale-up of new or novel approaches to improve pediatric case-finding, including screening tools and other testing methods; and
3.Facilitate Scale-up of What Works by expanding the use of proven approaches and promoting new products, tools and approaches backed by evidence to maximize impact.
Religious /Faith community leaders and other key community gatekeepers like cultural and elected leaders traditionally complement healthcare providers’ efforts in saving lives of the communities they serve; they are a primary source of psychosocial support, guidance, counsel, comfort during times of need including sickness. Not only do they have unique strengths in creating demand for health care services but can also create awareness of the available care services for their communities. FASTER in collaboration with MOH and FHI 360 are in the process of developing demand creation and patient literacy reference materials for use by nonclinical platforms including Religious and Faith leaders, cultural and other key community gate keepers to support demand creation and patient literacy on topics that include but not limited to: Early infant diagnosis (EID) of HIV exposed infants (HEI), mother-baby pair retention, Index testing of biologic children of HIV positive women, stigma reduction, treatment literacy, gender-based violence/violence against children (VAC) prevention and response, use of HIV testing eligibility and risk screening among children and adolescents, and the use of the facility-community register to improve treatment outcomes for children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV). Recently, CDC has requested FASTER to work with USG/PEPFAR to adapt Faith and Community Initiative (FCI) messages of Hope to the Ugandan context to be used in motivating men as heads of families to embrace HIV care and treatment services for their children, families and communities. The process of developing the demand creation and patient literacy reference materials including a pastoral letter/manual is already in progress spearheaded by MOH through FASTER in collaboration with FHI360Communications for Healthy Communities (CHC). FHI360 provided technical support using human centered design (HCD) while developing these materials. A participatory consultative workshop to develop reference materials with representation of Religious, faith and cultural leaders, and people living with HIV (PLWHIV) was held in February 2020 and the first draft of reference materials produced. This first step was followed by sharing draft zero reference materials with MOH technical team who recommended that consultations with care givers of infants and children be held to ensure their views and perspectives are incorporated in the reference materials. This, and other subsequent steps were interrupted by COVID-19 lockdown crisis where movement and meetings were restricted. In addition, the contract of the technical person who was assigned to lead this process at FHI 360 expired by May 2020 These challenges have slowed down the process of completing the demand creation and patient literacy materials including the Leaders’ Reference Manual for use when sensitizing and mobilizing audiences on pediatric and adolescent HIV care and negatively affected timely implementation of the other planned follow on activities that include pilot testing of the materials, identification and training of Master trainers among the faith-based organizations (FBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to support the scale up of the materials. Further, through a review process CDC requested FASTER support in the adaptation of the Faith and Community Initiatives materials of Hope to the Ugandan context to motivate men to champion health seeking behaviors for their children and families. Following the finalization of the materials, a stakeholders meeting with religious leaders to endorse the materials was convened and during the meeting, different view came out of the different religious denominations FASTER and MOH are planning to incorporate and after, it’s prudent to identify a graphics person to support the design and copy editing of the information that will be included in the materials. CRS/FASTER therefore is proposing engaging short-term consultancy services to expedite the process of finalizing the materials.
Objectives of The Activity:
- Do the graphics design needed to finalize demand creation and literacy materials which include 3 Manuals, that is the Caregiver literacy manual, Community leader manual and religious leaders’ manual for use by cultural leaders, faith leaders and caregivers in sensitizing and mobilizing communities on pediatric and adolescent HIV services.
- Design and input graphics in the materials
Specific Tasks:
- Use the information gained from the consultative meeting to review, design and finalize demand creation and patient literacy reference caregivers, religious and cultural leader materials for non- clinical actors.
- Finalize the materials including graphic design, editing, type setting of the caregivers, religious and cultural leader demand creation and patient literacy reference manual for use by non-clinical platforms
- A final religious leaders’ literacy and demand creation manual in PDF format
- Cultural leaders’ literacy and demand creation manual in PDF format
- Care givers’ literacy and demand creation manual in PDF format
These will contain messages on: Early infant diagnosis of HIV exposed infants, mother-baby pair retention, Index testing of biologic children of HIV positive women, stigma reduction, treatment literacy, prevention and response to gender-based violence/violence against children and use of HIV risk assessment tool.
Timeframe: Immediate upon signing of the contract for a maximum of 8 days.
Minimum Qualifications and experience:
- Advanced University degree (Masters Level is the minimum required qualification) in the Social/Behavioral sciences (Communication, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Health Education, Public Health, etc.)
- A proven record of and experience in undertaking consultancies in a similar field. Excellent writing and presentation skills in English; experience in team working in culturally diverse contexts and ability to initiate and execute activities in a timely manner.
- Experience in designing, implementing, and editing health behavior change Information and Education Communications materials is necessary.
- Proficiency in use of graphic design software is a must
This job description is not an exhaustive list of skills, effort, duties and responsibilities associated with the position.
Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We welcome as a part of our staff people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. CRS’ processes and policies reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation
By applying to this job, I understand and acknowledge that CRS requires its staff to treat all people with dignity and respect and to actively prevent harassment, abuse, exploitation, and human trafficking. Further, I understand that if I am a successful candidate, I will be subject to a comprehensive background check, and my personal/professional references will be asked to evaluate my behaviors related to the above safeguarding-related topics.
CRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer
NOTE: To apply, please follow these instructions exactly otherwise your application will NOT be considered:
- The proposals should be sent to by April 23rd, 2021 at 5:00pm.
- Large files and/or scans of documents will lead to rejection of your application, in the subject line of the email, copy and paste – CONSULTANTGRAPHICSDESIGNFASTER only
- All applications that do not contain this exact subject line will be rejected and not read