The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation invites expressions of interest from individuals as well as competent public, private and civil sector institutions. Successful concepts will be developed into full proposals to be implemented over a period of up to 3 years.
Nature of innovations to be funded
1) Innovations to add value to agricultural and non-agricultural raw materials and products for industrialization.
2) Innovations that promote multisectoral approaches for adopting renewable energy among off-grid communities.
3) Innovations that improve food safety and access to markets.
4) Innovations that promote water use efficiency in food and non-food production.
5) Innovations to reduce the high burden of disease and undernutrition.
Eligible innovators
Any Ugandan or Ugandan-based scientists, technologists, innovators and researchers; including youths and women in both the formal and informal sectors.
How to apply
Eligible participants should apply for the National Research & Innovation Program (NRIP),through the Permanent Secretary & copied to the NRIP Secretariat
Concepts should be submitted by close of business (5PM) Friday, April 16, 2021