To give legal advice to both internal and external stakeholders, draft contracts/agreements and participate in the amendment of URA policies and tax laws in order to streamline the flow of URA business


1.  Interpret Tax Laws, case Laws, & provide Legal opinions after conducting Legal research

a) Receive and review request for legal opinions, internalize, and appreciate the facts; document and solicit further information from sender where necessary.

b) Conduct Legal research and make the analysis/opinion/interpret, and submit to AC BA, P&R or CLSBA for review

c) Effect the necessary changes, if any following feedback from the AC BA, P&R and submit the final opinion to the originating office


2. Draft contracts/agreements for supplies, services, works goods, tenancies, purchase agreements, & consultancies to URA as well as MOUs and staff bonding agreements to create binding legal relationships to curtail possible future mishaps that may arise out of the relationships

a) Peruse through instructions and accompanying documents, prepare and submit draft contracts to the AC BA, P&R for review and input.

b) Effect the necessary changes made by AC BA, P&R and print draft contract and forward draft to PDU for onward transmission to the service provider for their comments.

c) Prepare and submit to CLSBA for review and signature, a letter to the Solicitor General’s office for contracts with a contract price above UGX 50 Million

d) Upon approval by the Solicitor General and review by the service provider, prepare the final contract and send to PDU for onward submission to the service provider and URA Board Secretary and Commissioner General for signature


3. Facilitate the acquisition process and obtaining of land titles for URA properties in order to protect URA’s interests

a) Receive instructions from AC-Administration/CCS, Study the URA property portifolio and initiate the process of property acquisition, application for titles and secure relevant signatures & recommendations

b) Request for application and inspection fees, and any other fees incidental to land registration, effect payments, lodge applications with secretary of DLB (District Land Board) and arrange with secretary of the DLB to have land inspected by Area Land Committee and account for the funds

c) Follow up and obtain offers for titles from District Land Officers, submit for approval, forward to Land Registration Department for preparation of titles, ensure that title is actually made and make follow ups on the land.

d) Prepare and lodge caveats to protect threatened properties.

e) Prepare for, answer and document responses to any audit queries arising therefrom


4.  Facilitate policy reviews and amendments process to streamline decision making and the running of URA business

a) Receive and respond to requests to participate in policy reviews and give legal guidance on policy drafting and amendments

b) Receive the text drafts from client departments and undertake legislative drafting

c) Initiate policy amendments arising from lessons learnt from court cases





Essential Requirements

a) An honors Bachelors’ degree in law (LLB) from a recognized university.

b) Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

c) Enrollment as an Advocate of the High Court

d) Possession of a Valid Practicing Certificate

e) Two (2) years’ experience in legal practice in a recognized and busy organization

Desirable Requirements

a) Training in ICSA

b) Experience in providing legal advisory services


a) Drafting contracts and agreements

b) General understanding of the applicable laws in Uganda

c) Knowledge of the legal dynamics in Uganda.



a) Ability to interpret tax laws, including mediation and expertise in Policy making

b) Self –motivation with ability to draft advocacy policies and offer advice on general tax laws; and regulatory analysis/compliance in tax laws.

c) The Incumbent should have good communication skills with an excellent command of the English language – both spoken and written

d) Skilled legal researcher with ability to use computer-based and non-computer-based legal, technical, and scientific research

e) Possession of strong negotiation and networking skills