Youth Equality Centre (YEC) is Youth led community development organization dedicated to elevating young people’s voices in governance by extending leadership, SRHR and livelihood strategies to the youth through capacity building, advocacy and community mobilization especially at grassroots levels. YEC targets young people (12-35 years), through empowering them with skills in building self-esteem, technology, business, life skills, and communication and also imparts knowledge on leadership and gender issues so the youths can take on leadership roles in their communities. YEC also runs an online Media & Technology Pathways Program a 6-month Workforce Training program targeting university students between the ages of 18-25 with overpowering passion for journalism and mass communication. During the first 6 months, participants receive digital media instruction and professional development training. During the last 3 months, participants are recruited as online Radio presenters where they are able to implement their gained skills. Pathways participants also receive a full suite of wraparound services including academic and career advising.  Following graduation from the program, students receive a Youth Equality Centre On-the-Job Training Certificate of Completion. Details at: http://esrhr.org/

 2 Program Overview:

The 2017 United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) reported that HIV prevalence among Adolescents Girls and Young Women (AGYW) stood at 9.1%, which is 1.8% above the national prevalence rate of 7.3%. From the above figures, it is clear that AGYW’s health and lives are more at risk than the adults.
YEC with funding support from the U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) a U.S. government’s response to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic is implementing a project dubbed “Youth powered digital technologies for HIV/AIDs” whose aim is to improve the lives of Young Ugandans especially the Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Through this initiative YEC will conduct online Media Trainings for Mass communication students on HIV/Aids issues. Trained students will undergo a three to six months internship program where they will be exposed to issues of Youth leadership, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights including Family planning and HIV/AIDS among other topics that concern Young People. This YEC signature program he program will consist of multiple trainings as well as community engagements over a 6 months period. Trainees of 2021 Cohort will work jointly on SRHR issues and HIV/AIDS projects as they serve young people on YEC Youth led Digital Radio.

3. Project objectives

The overall objective of this project is to Amplify AGYW Voices through peer-led web based SRHR and HIV/Aids information and Services with an integrated online Radio’s peer education program that enhances Young people’s interaction and Digital outreach on public health topics including HIV/Aids.
The project will be anchored specifically on the following specific objectives;

  • To provide an alternative online media space for peer led debate and knowledge generation on factors that impede young people from accessing HIV/Aids information and services
  • Provide timely, advisory and up-to-date information on key SRHR and HIV/Aids information and services to young people including AGYW
  • To raise awareness on availability and location of SRHR and HIV/AIDS services and information for young people in the Uganda

4 Who are we looking for?

  • You must be a Student between the age of 18 to 25 at an institution of Higher learning offering Journalism and Mass communication, Graphic design, animation, or any communication related course.
  • Other students and fresh Graduates with a passion for Journalism and HIV/AIDS Advocacy are also encouraged to apply.
  • Having prior knowledge about Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and HIV/AIDS will be an added advantage
  • Have good writing and documentation skills
  • Ability to work independently and in small teams

1.4 How to Apply!

Interested? Please send your application (CV, motivation letter indicating your field of study and clearly explaining why you should be taken on for this program) with the reference “(YEC Media internship 2020)” to: info@yecuganda.org or Hand delivered to Plot 10, Bidandi Ssali Road, Nsiimbiziwome Zone Bukoto-Ntinda

Deadline for application: April 30, 2021