Call for Members to the Localised Grants Committee- Uganda


Uganda Key Populations Consortium (UKPC), with support from Hivos, is implementing Free To Be Me, an ambitious, daring and innovative program that will help build a vibrant LGBTIQ+ movement in Uganda that is confident and capable of lobbying and advocating for their human and economic rights. Through this programme, LGBTIQ+ organisations in the country will be supported through interventions such as sub granting. UKPC through the Free to be Me Programme, is seeking applications from committed activists and grant-making experts to be members of its country Localised Grants Committee.


Free to be me is an ambitious, daring and innovative program that aims at building a vibrant LGBTIQ+ Movement that is confident and able to lobby and advocate for human rights and economic rights. Free to be me aims to bring together organizations and individuals that will contribute to advancing LGBTIQ+ Leadership in advocating for social and economic rights and bring an alliance of organizations that are experienced and strongly committed to improving the lives of LGBTIQ+ people worldwide. The Free to be Me will be implemented in fourteen countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and East, Southern and West Africa through an Alliance of committed and experienced organizations worldwide.

The alliance comprises three consortium members: HIVOS, ILGA World, Positive Vibes and three technical partners –SOGI Campaigns, the Global Interfaith Network (GIN) and Workplace Pride.

Hivos is the leader of the Consortium and as such is responsible for facilitating the development of the process of the implementation. The Free to be Me has a participatory grantmaking panel made up of LGBTI activists, experts, and allies.

The Free to be Me aims to increase the capacity of the LGBTI community to self- organize and advocate for its rights, self-determination, and wellbeing.


Interested candidates should send their resumes/CV and cover letters to / with the subject line: [Last name] Localised Grants Committee member application by or before December 15th, 2022, 11:30 pm East African Time.