Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Mityana invites applications from suitably qualified mature born-again Christians aged (25 to 35 years) to serve in their Child Development Center/Project (Mityana Child Development Center), a Compassion assisted project.

Child Development Health Officer


The child development health officer will plan, coordinate and execute health programs for children and caregivers and will report to the project director, should be Christ’s witness to children and caregivers, carry out home visitation and counseling for children and caregivers, responsible for physical health development programming and monitoring and other roles as may be assigned by the appointing authority.


• A Diploma in any of the following areas: – BBA, SWASA, Community
• Psychology, Adult and Community Education, Development Studies, Education or related humanities.
• If married, applicant must present a valid marriage certificate.
• Experience in children and youth ministry is an added advantage
• Customer service orientation.
• Good written communication and strong verbal communication skills in English. Ability to communicate in Luganda and English fluently is an added advantage.

How to apply

N.B: Computer skills are added advantage. Written applications addressed to the overseer bearing the telephone contact and email of the applicant with copies of academic documents, C.V, letter of recommendation from the Pastor of the applicant’s local church and that of your previous employer (If any), L.C 1 chairman, a copy of the National I.D and two Christian referees with their active telephone contacts must be submitted.

Deliver applications by hand to the church administrator at Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Mityana from 10am to 5pm or well scanned applications electronically via email on before 28th February 2022 close of business. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for Interviews.