Terms of Reference – End-line Survey
Safe to Play – reducing violence within schools in northern Uganda
1. Introduction
Right To Play is an international organization committed to improving the lives of children and youth affected by conflict, disease and poverty. Established in 2000, Right To Play has pioneered a unique play-based approach to learning and development which focuses on quality education, life skills, health, gender equality, child protection and building peaceful communities. With programming in 16 countries, Right To Play transforms the lives of more than 2.3 million children each year, both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition to our work with children, Right To Play advocates with parents, local communities, and governments to advance the fundamental rights of all children. Right To Play is headquartered in Toronto, Canada and in London, UK and has operations in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Our programs are facilitated by more than 600 international staff and 31,900 local teachers and coaches. For more information, follow @RightToPlayIntl and visit www.righttoplay.com.
2. Project description
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The “Safe to Play – reducing violence within schools in northern Uganda” project will be implemented in four (4) refugee Settlements of Maaji II, Mungula, Pagirinya and Agojo in Adjumani district. The project seeks to help improve safety in schools for 8,100 girls and boys aged 11 to 18 in Adjumani district, northern Uganda. The project will adopt four strategies to achieve its intended objectives. Strategic interventions will include; strengthening school systems, enhancing the capacity of teachers to strengthen prevention and response to violence against children in schools, empower students to strengthen prevention and response to violence against children in schools and engage with communities to shift social norms and behaviour change towards child protection and rights.
Project title: Safe to Play – reducing violence within schools in northern Uganda
Implementer: Right To Play
Location: The project will be implemented in Adjumani district in four (4) refugee Settlements of; 1) Maaji II, 2) Mungula, 3) Pagirinya and 4) Agojo.
Duration: Start date: 1 May 2020 and End date: 31 March 2021
Project Partner (s): Safer World
Intended beneficiaries: 8100 Children and youths, 1200 Junior Leaders, 141 Teachers, 33 Head Teachers, 33 Deputy Head Teachers, 297 PTA Members, 297 SMC Members, 12 Parents, 15 District Officials and 5 Center Coordination Tutors (CCTs).
Operating model: School based
Impact Areas: Equitable Quality Education, Peace building, Gender Based violence, Violence Against Children (VAC) and Child protection.
2.1 Expected results of the project
The project has one outcome and several output areas including.
Ultimate outcome: Improved safety in schools for girls and boys aged 11-18 in Adjumani District, Uganda.
Intermediate Result 1: Child protection cases referred and/ or reported receive appropriate services.
Intermediate Result 2: School governance structures have functional code of conduct and child safeguarding policies.
Intermediate Result 3: Trained teachers effectively integrate conflict and gender sensitive play-based approaches into their teaching practice.
Intermediate Result 4: Trained Government education staff committed to provision of ongoing coaching and mentoring support to teachers on use of conflict and gender sensitive play-based approaches.
Intermediate Result 5: Girls and boys believe that peer violence or violence faced at home and in school is unacceptable and should end.
Intermediate Result 6: Children and youths demonstrate improved life skills that promote non-violent conflict resolution and peace building.
Intermediate Result 7: Community members, parents and caregivers believe violence against children and youths at home, school and from peers is unacceptable and should end.
3. Purpose and Objectives of the end – line survey
The purpose of the end-line survey is to assess the contribution of project intervention to the observed changes. The evaluation will also interrogate contextual factors that associated with the project impact. Evaluation questions shall be formulated in accordance with the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria of Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, Sustainability and coherence.
4. Research questions
The baseline seeks to:
· What is the current status of specific program outcomes and indicators, e.g. “what is the current knowledge of child protection systems of the target child group?”, “what is the current understanding of and form(s) of discipline used by teachers?”
· What contextual factors – including COVID-19 have influenced the program outcomes (positively or negatively), particularly in relation to child protection, in the different project locations.
· What has been the role of Play based learning in Violence Prevention, Conflict Management and Peacebuilding among children and youths?
· How has participation and leadership of children and youths been strengthened in community structures and peacebuilding processes, strengthening sustainable community protection mechanisms to prevent & respond to violence against children?
5. Methodology
A mixed method (both quantitative and qualitative designs) and participatory approaches will be used to deliver the baseline survey assignment. Primary and secondary data will be collected and analyzed using adequate methods and techniques to produce compelling findings for evaluation questions and project measurement metrics. The survey will use a range of data collection methods and tools that conform to the recommendations of the OECD/ DAC guidelines. Applicants are expected to present a detailed methodology in the technical proposal submission which will be further refined in consultation with RTP during the inception meeting. The proposed evaluation designs and the entire methodology should be adaptive to the COVID – 19 context. The methodology should entail an elaborate evaluation matrix that reflects project result areas, indicators, data sources, and data collection methods for this end-line survey.
Quantitative data: Will be used to measure indicators of the project expressed in terms of numbers/percentages (quantitative indicators). Information will be collected using questionnaire survey which will be administered to a sample of survey elements. The consultant is expected to determine the sample size using a rigorous sampling processes/approaches E.g. Parallel mixed method sampling and others as proposed by consultants/ applicants and approved by Right To Play.
Qualitative data: Qualitative information will be collected through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and In-depth Interviews (IDIs) with key stakeholders including beneficiaries, community/traditional leaders, local government offices, civil societies, local implementing partners and others. While some of the tools could be provided by Right To Play, the consultant is expected to develop evaluation tools that will be refined and approved by the evaluation steering committee.
Secondary documentation: Review of related documents will also be important to establish key insights relevant to the effective implementation of the project.
Overall proposed study designs and methodologies including the sample size will be discussed and agreed with Right To Play at the beginning of the consultancy.
5.1 Selection Process of consulting firm
Applicants will be selected based on cumulative analysis of their submitted technical proposals (100 points) weight [70%] and financial proposal (100 points) weight [30%]. A two-stage procedure will be used in evaluating proposals, with evaluation of the technical proposals being completed prior to financial proposals being evaluated. Only financial proposals of applicants who pass the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the technical qualification evaluation will be evaluated.
For the evaluation of the technical proposals, the steering committee shall take the following criteria into consideration, with indicated weights:
- Specific experience of the consultant relevant to the assignment (10 points)
1.1 Experience in similar project
1.2 Experience in similar Areas and Conditions
1.3 Size, organisation, specialisation, Management
- Adequacy of the proposed methodology and work plan in responding to the TOR (40 Points)
2.1 Technical Approach and Methodology
2.2 Work Plan
2.3 Organization and Staffing
- Key staff’s qualifications and competence for the assignment (50 Points)
3.1 General Qualifications
3.2 Adequacy for the Assignment
3.3 Experience in the Region and Language
6. The Steering Committee
The baseline survey will engage key staff and perhaps external stakeholders to oversee the planning and the progress. These will form the steering committee, which will constitute: a senior staff who is accountable for the project, a staff with a strong understanding of the context of the project sites and a technical staff who can provide input/feedback on the technical components. While the steering committee will include the key staff for the project at RTP, it might also include external partners or in some cases, even beneficiaries themselves (e.g. Head Coaches). The committee’s main functions will be to:
· To ensure that the evaluator has access to and has consulted all relevant information sources and documents.
· To validate the evaluation framework, questions and methodology.
· To discuss and comment on reports delivered by the evaluator at each stage of the process.
· To assist in feedback of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
7. Work plan and Timelines
Applicants should insert a work schedule including main tasks of the survey and timelines. Remember to consider all of the required steps during the planning, preparation, actual data collection, data entry and analysis, and the report writing.
8. Roles and Responsibilities
The evaluator is expected to abide by norms and standards of development evaluation practice.[1]
· Undertake assignment as outlined in the ToR.
· Complete the tasks in ToR in the allocated time.
· Update Steering Committee on a regular basis concerning progress.
Other specific tasks will include:
· Lead data collection planning, including but not limited to sampling design, tool refinement, overall methodology design, budget management, etc.
· Manage enumerators’ recruitment, lead comprehensive enumerator training on all data collection tools.
· Lead the data collection process.
· Oversee the data entry and conduct data cleaning where necessary. Coordinate in cleaning and validation of data in preparation for analysis.
· Conduct both quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
· Lead process for review and interpretation of findings with internal stakeholders, coordinate country review processes.
· Lead the final report writing process.
9. Deliverables
- Inception report including detailed description of methodology including draft tools.
- Final Data collection tools.
- Draft end – line report.
- Validation workshop including PowerPoint presentation on the main findings and key recommendations.
- All collected data including survey data sets, interviews and FGDs summaries or transcripts. All collected data including reports and transcripts.
- end – line values as per the indicators in the results frame
- Final end – line report, which should include the analyses of the findings, lessons learnt as well as recommendations.
10. Required Skills and Experience
- University degree in any field, preferably Social Sciences. Post graduate qualification in child protection and conflict sensitivity is an added advantage.
- In-depth knowledge and experience on research methods (Surveys, key informant interviews and focus group discussions etc.).
- Experience in conducting baseline studies, impact evaluations using rigorous designs.
- Knowledge of and familiarity with refugee/ humanitarian context.
- Fluent in both oral and written English.
- Knowledge and experience in Peace building, conflict and gender sensitive play-based approaches, child protection and child rights, violence against children.
- Knowledge of statistical analysis packages; Stata, Epi Info.
- Excellent Analytical, Communication and Report writing skills.
[1] Including but not limited to the UNEG Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation (United Nations Evaluation Group, 2008), The African evaluation guidelines: 2002 (African Evaluation Association), etc.
How to apply
Qualified consultants/firms are requested to submit proposals with the following details:
· A cover letter (Expression of Interest) detailing suitability to undertake the assignment.
· Detailed technical proposal including summary of proposed approach and methodology that should show how you will adapt to COVID-19 context.
· A detailed financial proposal (budget).
· A sample of previous similar evaluation assignments.
· Profile of the firm/organization/group/Consultant
· Detailed curriculum virtue/ Résumés of team members.
· Detailed work plan considering these COVID-19 context.
Prospective individual consultants should submit written proposals and other details listed above to
UgandaHR@righttoplay.com by 5:00 p.m. East African Standard time on or before February 11, 2021.