General Information:                  Consultancy Services for capacity building for Community -Based Sociotherapy

Type of Contract:                        Consultancy

Duration of the assignment:      2 years

Anticipated Time Frame:            Starting October 2021.



TPO Uganda is a non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been delivering services to vulnerable communities in Uganda since 1994. TPO Uganda is committed to empowering communities affected by armed conflict and other disasters to meet their protection needs, psychosocial, mental health needs and to improve their livelihoods. TPO Uganda has over the years grown into a respectable national NGO with a demonstrable track record in over 45 districts currently. TPO Uganda services are delivered through a community and family-oriented intervention model. This model entails identifying existing community support structures, traditional circles of support, stakeholders and systematically building their capacity to raise awareness,  identify, manage and/or refer beneficiaries in need of psychosocial and mental health support services : children in need of protection, survivors of gender-based violence, children and families infected and affected by HIV & AIDS; and families whose socio-economic wellbeing has been incapacitated by conflict and/or any other disasters. These interventions are implemented through the following thematic areas, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support; Child Protection (Orphans and Vulnerable Children); Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence; Prevention of HIV and AIDS; Disaster Risk Reduction, (incl. ecosystems Restoration and Peace Building); Food Security and Livelihoods Support; institutional capacity.

In delivering its Mental Health and Psychosocial Support interventions, TPO Uganda works closely with other partners such as the Ministry of Health, the National Psychiatric Hospital in Butabika and the Ministry of Gender Labour and social Development, Currently, TPO is a UNHCR partner for mental health services, member of the IASC MHPSS RG and co-chair of the Uganda National MHPSS Working Group.


These TORs therefore provide information on the overall objectives of the consultancy assignment for capacity building on Community-based socio-therapy Approach. They highlight the general methodology and approaches, expected outputs/deliverables and the required qualification and experiences of the consultant to provide capacity building.


1.1. Community-Based Sociotherapy Approach

TPO Uganda is currently implementing a project with support from UNHCR to provide Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) interventions for Refugees and Asylum seekers in West Nile and South Western in Uganda. One of the approaches that has been fronted by TPO Uganda and UNHCR in the current PPA is Community-Based Sociotherapy (CBS). This approach contributes to the psychosocial wellbeing of people whose lives are affected by conflict, war or natural disaster by adding a unique perspective. It aims at restoring the social fabric in conflict and/or disaster-affected communities by strengthening feelings of safety, trust shared responsibility and social dignity. The methodology is designed to address psychosocial needs and works with committed people drawn from the community. It is based on six phases within a longer group process using the 7 key principles of CBS. In CBS, grassroots communities become the key agent in healing and reconciliation processes. The CBS approach will be implemented in 3 refugee settlements of: Nakivale, Rhino Camp and Imvepi.


1.2. Purpose

The overall objective for this consultancy is to train and equip 64 community members (from Nakivale, Rhino and Invepi (as community-based sociotherapy facilitators and build the capacity of (at least 4) TPO Uganda staff as supervisors in the Community-Based Sociotherapy approach.  Ultimately this will also lead to a group of 16 future trainers (who can be national staff and refugees).


1.3.  Capacity building outcomes

  • Demonstrable competency in the trained community members to implement Community-Based Sociotherapy groups to targeted beneficiaries among refugees, asylum seekers enhance their psychosocial recovery.
  • Support CBS facilitators and their supervisors through a system of supervision and mentorship and in accordance with the intervention methods.
  • A functional system for supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation of the CBS
  • A developed rollout plan for the CBS approach with the aim to create a cadre of competent trainers and supervisors at the end of the two-year period.
  • Increased capacity within professional staff of TPO to use and roll out the CBS approach using appropriate materials and facilitators’ guides.

2.0      Proposed Assignment

The proposed assignment seeks to engage an external consultant (s) who will carry out the capacity building (training) using the Community-Based Sociotherapy intervention approach.

2.1. Scope of the Assignment

In response to these TORs, consultants are expected to:

  • Submit a detailed technical proposal outlining his/her (their) understanding of the TORs, methodology for capacity building and resource implications in terms of time and budget within 2 weeks from date of advertisement.
  • Upon being selected and receipt of comments from TPO Uganda, submit a detailed inception report with revised methodology, tools, budget and work plan for the capacity building.
  • Upon approval of the inception report and signing of the contract, proceed to conduct capacity building within agreed time.
  • Upon completion of capacity building exercise, submit to TPO Uganda a draft report in relation to the capacity building activities conducted in the first phase of implementation.
  • Share a follow up, monitoring and supervision plan on how to support the trained staff, periodic reports for support supervision should be submitted to TPO Uganda with UNHCR in copy.
  • Provide support for the development of a M&E framework to measure the results of the CBS program. Specifically developing community indicators, which will ideally be used for measuring impact of the CBS activities.
  • Provide training to TPO Uganda program staff on how to implement the M&E framework for this project.
  • Provide relevant tools and materials that will guide roll out and adoption of the CBS program.
  • Deliver the assignment within 2-year period with the inception period in October -December 2021. Subsequently the hired consultant will sign a yearly contract in line with TPO’s Procurement guidelines and donor timelines.
  • Develop and submit high quality capacity building at the end of the consultancy.

2.2. Consultant Specifications.

This consultancy is open to individuals and consultancy firms and organisations who meet the following requirements:

  • Extensive experience with Community-Based Sociotherapy intervention approach in multiple settings.
  • Proven track record of building capacity with this approach in forcibly displaced communities.
  • Experience and knowledge of working with refugees and post-conflict communities and partnership with humanitarian organizations.
  • Experience of participatory and community-based approaches.
  • Knowledge of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support interventions; according to international standards such as the IASC guidelines for MHPSS in emergency settings and UNHCR technical guidance
  • Proven knowledge and experience with local needs assessment and context analysis.
  • Capacity to follow and supervise participants trained to achieve outcome.
  • Experience in setting up contextually appropriate systems for Monitoring and Evaluation of the CBS intervention.
  • Ability to work efficiently and deliver on committed outcomes under the assignment within agreed timelines and deadlines.
  • Excellent witing and reporting skills.
  • Available to travel to project locations to conduct trainings and supervision.

Note: All reference materials belonging to TPO that the Consultant may have in possession by virtue of contract shall be surrendered to TPO at the end of the contract.


2.3. Fees and Logistics

TPO Uganda will provide resources (i.e. both professional fees and logistical costs) to facilitate implementation of the assignment. The total amount for this shall be agreed upon by both parties upon understanding of the task at hand. The Consultant will be responsible for declaration of the income for income tax purposes (i.e. 6% from the gross payment) payable to Uganda Revenue Authority in accordance with the income tax regulations of the Republic of Uganda.

2.4. Submission of Applications

Interested consultant(s) should submit Applications which consist of:

  1. Detailed response to the Terms of Reference (ToR), with specific focus addressing the scope of work, methodology to be used and key selection criteria.
  2. Company Profile or CVs/Resumes of the main trainers.
  3. Technical application should emphasize demonstrable success against the competencies required and should outline the proposed method for undertaking the project assessment within the allocated time and budget.
  4. Two samples of documents of similar previous assignments
  5. All applicants must submit their complete application in a single pdf file with items in the order listed above.

Interested candidates are required to submit their application (including technical and financial proposals) in soft copy addressed to the Executive Director, TPO Uganda using the email; info@tpoug.org by 3rd September 2021 at 5.00 pm EAT.

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