The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Secretariat and the European Union (EU) have signed a Grant contribution agreement worth EUR 8M for the Enhancement of Governance and Enabling Environment in the ICT sector (EGEE-ICT) in the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean region (EA-SA-IO)). The EGEE- ICT is a four (4) year programme that aims at supporting the effective review or and development of various regional policy and regulatory framework in a harmonized manner that will contribute to enhancing competition , improved access to cost effective and secure ICT services. The overall objective of the programme is to deepen regional integration and growth of the ICT sector in EA-SA-IO region. The Programme specific objectives are to have:-
- Regionally coordinated public and private sector ICT policy development;
- Enhanced policy and regulatory environment for competitive markets and gender sensitive ICT markets;
- Improved infrastructure connectivity and access to ICT
The program integrates three key result areas which will be implemented with sub result areas as follows:
Result 1: Regionally coordinated public and private sector ICT policy development
Sub Result 1.1: Mechanism for consensus building in policy development among public and private sectors developed
Sub Result 1.2: Capacity of existing regional ICT associations enhanced;
Sub Result 1.3: Accountability systems in policy formulation and implementation strengthened between public and private ICT sector actors.
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Result 2: Enhanced policy and regulatory environment for competitive markets and gender sensitive ICT markets
Sub result 2.1: Regional model policy and regulatory frameworks for e-commerce developed
Sub result 2.2: Gender responsive rights-based policy and regulatory frameworks for universal access and licensing strengthened
Sub result 2.3: Policy and regulatory frameworks to harmonise mobile roaming and termination tariffs and transit internet charges developed
Result 3: Improved Policies, infrastructure connectivity and access to ICT
Sub result 3.1: Policies to promote private sector investment in ICT infrastructure developed
Sub result 3.2: Policies and regulatory frameworks for open access and infrastructure sharing developed
The primary beneficiaries of the EGEE-ICT programme will be member states of EA-SA- IO region, through their respective ICT Ministries and Regulators as they will use this programme to support the development and implementation of policies and regulatory frameworks that will provide a conducive environment for the effective development of the ICT sector. Others are Regional Association of Regulators that play a great role in the development of policy guidelines and regulations and in the harmonisation process namely the Communication Regulators Association of Southern Africa (CRASA), Eastern Africa Communication Organisation (EACO) and Association of Regulators for Information and Communication for Eastern and Southern Africa (ARICEA). .
To implement the programme, the COMESA secretariat will set up a Programme Implementation Team to be based in the Infrastructure and Logistics Division.
The Programme Implementation Team will be composed of staff as described in the job descriptions below and will also be supported by short-term experts where needed:
ICT Policy and Regulation Expert 1
Professional Level
EURO 83,803 p.a all inclusive
Enhancement of Governance and Enabling Environment in the ICT sector (EGEE-ICT) in the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean region
Infrastructure Directorate, EAC Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania
From date of signature of the contract up to the end of the programme duration, which is expected to end in December 2024. The initial contract period shall include a six (6) months probationary period.
Team leader and under the overall guidance of the Director Infrastructure and Logistics Division of COMESA with a dotted line to the Director infrastructure at EAC.
The role of the ICT Policy and Regulatory Expert will be to provide technical assistance to accelerate progress on implementation of regional ICT policies, regulations and plans.
The specific responsibilities include
- Support the development of programme annual work plans and annual narrative reports in line with the Contribution Agreement;
- Coordinate programme related activities for the Eastern African community (EAC), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Eastern African Communication Organisation (EACO).
- Monitor and report on the programme implementation and performance following the programme’s logical framework and advise on adaptation or adjustments where and when necessary; reports should highlight clearly the achievements (as per indicators) and any challenges faced and what mitigation measures were
- Support the development of policies and regulations in line with the agreement to foster competitive markets including e- commerce, licensing and universal access, tariff harmonisation, investment promotion and open Access
- Ensure documentation and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned from the programme implementation;
- Preparation of ToRs for short term Experts (STEs);
- Ensure coordination of activities with Stakeholders partner both at regional and national level to avoid duplication and ensure complementarity of activities and
- Participate in the Programme Management Meetings to ensure that the needs and issues of the programme Team are raised and addressed;
- Perform other duties as assigned
- Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, ICT, Telecommunications, Economics or related discipline
- Master’s degree in Telecommunications, ICT, Engineering, Public policy, Economics, law or related
- Minimum of 8 years’ experience in the ICT sector of which 3 years should be at managerial level
- Demonstrated experience in formulation of policies and regulations and or business plans for ICT utilities, government or Regulators
- Knowledge of national/regional organizations dealing on ICT sector policy, regulation
- Programme management skills and experience involving collaboration with public and private sector, technical partners and other stakeholder
- Demonstrated experience in working with government partners and other stakeholders in public sector development programs, especially in the area of capacity building and organizational development
- Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the regional and international ICT markets and
- Strong team working, communication (including report writing) and interpersonal skills;
- Strong facilitation, training and presentation skills as well as experience in organizing seminars and workshops
- Relevant experience working in similar donor funded regional programmes, preferably (but not limited to) EU-funded programmes, in developing countries in general and in Sub-Saharan Africa in particular would be an additional
Must be fluent in English and/or French and/or Arabic (speaking and writing). A combination of any two or all these languages will be an added advantage.
Applicants must be nationals of EU, ACP and COMESA Member States and not more than 55 years of age at the time of submitting the application.
Applications MUST be submitted electronically through email on the prescribed COMESA APPLICATION FORM which can be accessed at the following COMESA website:, Opportunities, COMESA Job Application Format.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Applications should reach the address below not later than 24th March 2021 at 18:00 hours Lusaka, Zambia time.
The Director of Human Resources and Administration Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA Centre,
Ben Bella Road,
P.O Box 30051,
Lusaka, Zambia