Africa Medical and Behavioral Sciences Organization (AMBSO) is a ‘Private Not for Africa Medical and Behavioral Sciences Organization (AMBSO) is a ‘Private Not for profit (PNFP) organization working in partnership with Uro Care Hospital, with Head offices at Nansana, along Hoima Road and satellite office in Hoima. AMBSO conducts a wide range of activities of public health interest including clinical research, community-based health surveillance research, programs for health Care services delivery and capacity building among health care workers and community health workers.

With funding from Gilead Sciences Inc. and in collaboration with MUJHU care limited, AMBSO will participate in a six year multi-site PURPOSE 1 study that is aimed at evaluating the efficacy of Lenacapavir (LEN) and Emitricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (F/TAF) in preventing HIV transmission among adolescent girls and young women (AGYWs) at high risk of acquiring HIV infection. AMBSO is seeking for qualified, committed and reliable professionals to work at its Masaka and Hoima research sites. Applications are therefore invited from interested persons to fill the positions listed below.

1.Study coordinator ( 02 Positions)
2.Pharmacist ( 2 Positions)
3.Pharmacy Technicians- 02 Positions
4.Study nurses and/or Clinical Officers- 06 Positions
5.Quality control officer
6.Laboratory technologists ( 02 Positions)
7.Study nurse counselors ( 02 Positions)
8.Data technicians ( 02 Positions)
9.Community engagement officer ( 02 Positions)
10.Procurement officer
11.Administrative assistant